Gilbert’s Lake

Gilbert's Lake

After we netted Gilbert’s lake it was apparent to the committee that the damage done by the Cormorants was worse than we could have ever expected. The committee with the help of our advisor had to make some tough decisions very quickly. 

It was decided that we should shut Gilbert’s  permanently to fishing and use it as a breeding pond to restock our two other lakes. The lake will be completely netted in the coming days to prevent these ariel attacks.  We would ask that if while you are at the lakes if you see any Cormorants, please let the secretary know and make noise to frighten and discourage them.

We will keep you updated and hopefully in the near future it will be back into fishing condition. 

Gilbert’s Lake.

Spring is here and we hope that Gilbert’s lake will now start to produce our very own bred fish. We have stocked it with Carp, Tench and Bream.

It is sad that we have had to keep it netted because of the Cormorants, but Natural England in their infinite wisdom will not allow us to deal with the invasion they just expect us to keep paying for more fish. They are so out of touch with local fisheries but its not their money that being eaten, so the apathy continues.